Hello friends! It’s been quite awhile since I’ve written a post for you all here and I’m so thrilled to be back with a HUGE announcement!!
I’m am SO excited to share that I’m about to begin my WSET Diploma with Napa Valley Wine Academy! The WSET Diploma is the final level of the Wine, Spirits, Education Trust program which is one of the most prestigious international wine schools. I completed WSET Level 3 with Meritt in 2019 and have been jumping at the bit to start classes again.
The Diploma consists of 6 sections/classes that takes about 2 years to complete. Each section focuses on a different aspect of wine and for D3-5 a blind tasting is part of the exam (wish me luck I need to start practicing ASAP!)
WSET Diploma Courses
- D1: Wine Production
- D2: Wine Business
- D3: Wines of the World
- D4: Sparkling Wines
- D5: Fortified Wines
- D6: Independent Research Assignment
We are kicking things off with D1 which means the next few months will be devoted to everything that goes into making wine from the vines themselves to through to the finished product in the winery
I’m so excited to finally embark on the final level of study with WSET! With classes starting this week the workload seems a bit daunting, but I can’t wait to dive even deeper into the world of wine. Taking these courses through Napa Valley Wine Academy has already proved to be immensely helpful as they have an online portal with everything you need to know broken down week by week. Including additional study resources!
Stay tuned for more in-depth posts of what we’re learning in each course. You’re about to learn more about vines, grapes and dirt than you ever imagined you needed to know! If you’re interested for signing up for any WSET class with Napa Valley Wine Academy, use the code h2kqstrohwset for 5% off your classes!